How to Prepare a Home Care Provider for Possibly Having to Bring Your Parent to the Emergency Room
As a family caregiver you never want to think about your aging parent suffering an illness or injury so severe that you would need to bring them to the emergency room. The reality is, however, that many elderly adults end up in the emergency room each year after suffering serious injuries, illnesses, or complications arising from their medical conditions. Preparing for this potential is extremely important to not only giving yourself and your aging parent confidence that if this situation does occur, your elderly parent will be as safe and secure as possible.
While it is important that you are prepared for the possibility of having to bring your loved one to the emergency room, you should also make sure that even if you are not in the home with your senior that they will still get the support, care, and assistance that they need. This means taking steps to ensure that a home care provider has everything that they need to make sure that they can get your parent the emergency medical attention that they need when they need it.
Use these tips to prepare in the event that a home care provider is in the home with your loved one when they need to go to the emergency room for care:
- Give them your contact information. It is vital that if your parent needs to go to the emergency room for any reason, the care provider calls you immediately. As soon as they have contacted the emergency responders, they should call you to let you know what is happening and which hospital they will be going to so that you can get there as fast as you can.
- Have a personal information folder. If you are not at the hospital when your parent arrives, or your parent is not able to express themselves effectively, the care provider might need to be able to provide important information to ensure that your loved one gets the care that they need as quickly a possible. Type up a list of information including their full name, birthdate, Social Security number, full address, your contact information, and any current medical conditions. It is essential that this list also includes any allergies that they might have. Keep this personal information folder readily accessible so that the care provider can take it with them.
- Know the warning signs. One of the most important things that you can do is make sure that any care provider who is with your aging parent is aware of all of your parent’s medical conditions and concerns. If there are any concerning side effects or symptoms that would warrant an immediate trip to the emergency room, review them with your parent and the care provider, and post a list of them in an easily visible place so that if any of these issues arise, the care provider knows what to do immediately.
If you or an aging loved one are considering elder care in King of Prussia, PA, contact the caring professionals at Reliant At Home Care today (610) 674-6860.