Red Cross Tips for Preparing Your Loved One for a Severe Thunderstorm
March is American Red Cross Month. As a family caregiver, this is the ideal opportunity for you to ensure that they are properly prepared for disaster or emergency situations. This can help ensure that they feel more confident in the face of these situations and can get through them in as safely and healthily as possible.
One of the most common weather disasters is thunderstorms. While common, when these storms become severe they can lead to extensive damage and the risk of dangerous situations for your elderly parent. Helping them prepare can make getting through such an event easier and more comfortable for your loved one whether you are able to be with them during such an event or not.
Use these tips to help your elderly loved one prepare for and get through a severe thunderstorm:
- As soon as you hear thunder, go inside and remain inside until at least 30 minutes after the thunder stops completely
- If there is a severe thunderstorm warning, find shelter in either a sturdy building or a vehicle with the windows up
- Do not remain in a mobile home as these may blow over in the event of very high winds
- Avoid using landline telephones and any electrical equipment during the course of the storm
- Close all doors that lead to the outside securely and put shutters over windows if available. If not, stay as far away from windows as possible
- Do not use any running water, especially taking a bath or shower, until 30 minutes after the thunder stops
- If traveling when the storm strikes, exit the roadway in a safe place, put on the emergency flashers, and wait until the rain stops. Avoid touching any metal surface.
Starting elder care for your aging loved one can be one of the best decisions that you can make for them as their family caregiver. An elderly home care services provider can be with your parent on a customized schedule to ensure that they get the level of care, support, and encouragement that they need throughout their later years to remain happy, healthy, comfortable, and safe, while also pursuing as much independence and activity as possible. When it comes to helping them handle emergency situations, this elder care provider can help your parent understand the risks that they are facing, ensure that they have the emergency preparation supplies that they might need to help them through the situation, and even plan preparedness activities such as running drills to help with the possibility of evacuation or other disasters. As a family caregiver this can give you a tremendous sense of relief knowing that if your elderly parent does face a disaster situation, they will be ready to do what they need to do to get through it in the best way possible. Thunderstorms are rather common disasters and the care of an elderly home care services provider can make a tremendous difference in keeping your parent feeling safe and protecting themselves and their home in the face of such a weather emergency.
If you or an aging loved one are considering elderly care on the Main Line, contact the caring professionals at Reliant At Home Care today (610) 674-6860.