How to Make Exercise More Interesting for Your Elderly Loved One
Exercise isn’t always interesting, even if your elderly loved one likes the activities that she’s chosen. Finding ways to make exercise important and intriguing can keep your loved one moving even when she’d rather be surfing the couch instead.
Change up the Activities
If your elderly loved one is doing the same old thing all the time, even if she enjoys that activity, it can get pretty boring. Try switching up the activities that she engages in to keep her active and interested. If she enjoys yoga, for instance, she might also enjoy tai chi or Pilates. Even finding things she doesn’t like can help her to figure out alternative activities.
Try Using Videos
Videos can be a great way for your elderly loved one to keep her workouts interesting. She can try a variety of different types of exercises and she can always switch to another video when it starts getting old for her. Many local libraries have a fantastic selection of exercise videos, too, so that makes your options even wider.
Find a Community
When your loved one has a group of other people who are “relying” on her to show up and to participate, that can serve as a positive form of peer pressure. Being in a group environment that she enjoys can also help her to enjoy exercising much more. Senior centers and gyms are a great place to start looking for a community for your loved one.
Get Some “Cheerleaders” on Board
Having the support of people who care about her can also make a difference for your loved one. Home care providers, friends, neighbors, and other family members can all make up your loved one’s cheerleading squad. Let them know how they can best help and motivate your loved one to stick with her exercise goals and that will help your loved one to get through the boring or the difficult times much more easily.
Talk to your elderly loved one about what else would help her to find exercise more interesting for her. When you land on the right combination, it’s going to be easier for her to stick with her exercise routine.
If you or an aging loved one are considering home care in Blue Bell, PA, contact the caring professionals at Reliant At Home Care today (610) 674-6860.