How Can You Make Urinary Incontinence Less Embarrassing for Your Aging Adult?
Urinary incontinence issues can be symbolic of other issues, such as a loss of independence or simply losing control in general. For this reason, your elderly family member might be experiencing a far larger range of emotions about incontinence than you realize. Here are a few ways you can help them feel less embarrassed.
1. Talk about It.
The funny thing about embarrassing topics is that the less you talk about them, the more embarrassing and daunting they seem. So it’s important to be able to talk about these issues with your elderly family member. Find out what she’s afraid of and what is so embarrassing for her. Acknowledge her feelings and share your own. Make this a safe conversation that helps draw you closer together.
2. Talk to Her Doctor, Too.
Talking with your loved one is a huge first step, but you need to talk with her doctor, too. There are a multitude of causes of incontinence and knowing why your elderly family member is facing this issue is key to finding a solution. Opening a dialogue with your elderly family member’s doctor keeps you all on the same page and helps keep the right solutions in play.
3. Be Prepared.
Make note of what your aging adult needs when she’s having her most severe episodes with incontinence. Stock up on incontinence products that work well for your aging adult and make sure you keep some on hand with you when you’re both out and about. Another good idea is to keep extra wipes and skin care products on hand. A change of clothes can help in extreme situations.
4. Get Outside Help.
Sometimes you might find that the biggest embarrassment in this entire situation for your elderly family member is having to rely on you for care assistance. This can be hard to hear as her caregiver, because you only want to help her. Hiring elderly care providers can give you both a little space in this situation to allow you both to cope.
Remember to reevaluate your plan for managing your elderly family member’s incontinence on a regular basis. Doing so helps you to account for new problems as they crop up.
If you or an aging loved one are considering elderly care in Berwyn, PA, contact the caring professionals at Reliant At Home Care today (610) 674-6860 .