When Might it Be Time for Your Senior to Leave Her Home?
At some point, you might need to help your elderly family member move into another place, possibly even your own. Here’s how you can tell that it might be time for this talk.
If Her Safety Is in Question.
Any time that your senior’s safety is in question is a time for action. She may not be able to navigate her home as well as she used to or there may be maintenance or repair issues that are difficult to resolve. Logistical issues and your senior’s mobility are likely to be incredibly influential in this decision. Safety is about more than just removing clutter. Take the full situation into account.
If Her Health Is Getting Significantly Worse.
When your senior’s health starts to decline rapidly, that often leaves her with big practical concerns, like whether she can stay in her home. In some cases, your senior may have a chronic health condition that is manageable for a long time. Unfortunately, many of those health issues, such as congestive heart failure, tend to worsen rapidly when they do worsen.
If She’s Expressed a Desire to Leave Her Home.
Your elderly family member could be perfectly fine at home from a standpoint of health and safety, but she may want to leave for emotional reasons. If your aging adult is in need of more emotional support, she may express that to you. You might want to talk with your senior about what she needs and what she feels will support her best.
If Your Best Option for Being Her Caregiver Means She Needs to Live with You.
In some cases, the decision for your senior to leave her home rests more on the fact that you aren’t able to be her best caregiver with the situation as it is. You may have commitments and obligations that keep you where you are, meaning your elderly family member has to change her situation. This may not be something either of you wanted, but it might mean the best care for your senior ultimately, making it the option you need to choose.
Your elderly family member likely wants to age in place for as long as she possibly can. Toward that end, most of your caregiving duties probably revolve around that goal. When that’s no longer something that is feasible, though, you’ll know that it’s time to have this talk. Elderly care providers can be incredibly helpful during and after this time to help you both adjust.
If you or an aging loved one are considering elderly care in Collegeville, PA, contact the caring professionals at Reliant At Home Care today (610) 674-6860 .